Performance Management
Most organizations now have some basic form of performance management in place, yet we consistently hear from organizations that it’s difficult to get managers to manage performance. Brown Consulting Group helps your line managers or your HR team handle performance situations. We develop or retool your performance management system; coach your managers in performance; provide performance management training; provide coaching in one-off performance situations up to, and including, terminations.
Employee Relations
Handling difficult employee situations is one of the toughest jobs managers face. Ensuring situations are dealt with fairly and meet legislative requirements may mean the difference between an effective resolution and costly litigation. Brown Consulting Group provides effective strategies and coaching for dealing with toxic employees or other difficult employee situations such as poor performance, downsizing or terminations. See our article on “Are you a Target for a Toxic Workplace.”
Legislative Compliance
It can be tough for organizations to keep up with the changes in employment law and human rights legislation. Brown Consulting Group can advise on matters with respect to federal and provincial employment legislation, human rights legislation, and employment and labour standards. We ensure that your policies, programs and practices are legislatively compliant or we answer your questions to help you interpret employment legislation and standards.
Job Evaluation/Description Design & Analysis
A solid job evaluation system is an integral part of your compensation program to ensure internal equity within your organization. Brown Consulting Group can assist by creating an effective job evaluation system or retooling your existing program to make it work more effectively for you. A common outcome of job evaluation is the need for new or revised job descriptions. We can assist by providing the expertise whether you need a detailed analysis of jobs to best align required tasks to employees’ skill sets or to enhance your job description library. For further details on legislative requirements for job evaluation, see our section on Pay Equity.
Policy and Program Development
Whether re-evaluating your HR policies, merging two systems or moving information on-line, Brown Consulting Group develops competitive and effective HR policies and programs to help motivate and retain your employees. Regardless of the size of your organization, it is prudent to have sound HR policies in place before you need them. We have extensive experience in HR policy development from the ground up or updating and re-structuring existing policies.
Recruiting, Retention & Orientation
Turnover too high? Difficulty finding good candidates? Recruiting costs out-of-control? We can help. Brown Consulting Group evaluates your current hiring and retention practices, analyzes turnover and helps you implement effective recruiting and retention strategies to ensure you have the best programs in place for today’s competitive marketplace. We also offer a variety of cost-effective recruiting services—from résumé screening and reference checking to full recruitment. We also provide effective orientation and onboarding solutions to ensure you retain your top people.
Compensation, benefits and total rewards can be complex issues. Brown Consulting Group helps “demystify” the challenges of compensation. We provide a variety of services including, assessing your current compensation structure; realigning your current systems; developing new compensation programs and/or policies where none previously existed; and developing strategies to communicate compensation changes to staff.
Change Management
Organizational restructuring is constant in today’s business world. Many companies are affected by mergers, acquisitions or related downsizing. As you plan your structural change, it’s critical to assist your staff in navigating the changes to ensure business continuance and staff satisfaction. Through on-site support, consultative services or training, Brown Consulting Group helps by providing successful strategies to manage the change effectively. Please see our training programs in support of change management at our Training and Coaching page.
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What clients are saying
Johanne Gauthier, Operations Manager, AGAPÉ Centre
I would like to express my appreciation for your assistance and guidance in helping us achieve a dramatic turnaround in work culture within a short period of time for our non-profit organization. We were fortunate to have an organization like yours to support our efforts into also putting a solid framework going forward. Please feel free to forward any potential new clients to my attention for profession or personal references.
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