What’s New

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Working for Workers Act

No one can say that workplaces in the past few years have not been without their challenges. We are now seeing organizations shifting to more hybrid work options with employees working from home and the office on a variety of different schedules. We’ve also seen organizations shifting to hoteling options, which can be good, particularly if you’ve downsized...Read more

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COVID-19: Updates for Canadian Business

With COVID-19, it seems as though there are constant changes in how governments are responding and, correspondingly, what Canadian employers need to do.  We’ve captured the latest in this brief update as there are some significant changes that employers need to be aware of. Mandatory Screening With the rise of COVID-19 cases in Ontario, the...Read more

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COVID-19 Update

With the impact of COVID-19 becoming more widespread, many employers are looking for solutions to not only ensure the health and well-being of their employees but also maintain effective operations of their business. Read more

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