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Equal Pay – Who Knew?
In the spring of 2018, the Ontario Liberal government enacted the Pay Transparency Act, which was aimed at trying to address the still-prevalent gender wage gap. According to the Pay Equity Commission, a wage gap of 26% remains for full-time workers. This means that for every $1.00 a man makes, a woman earns 74¢. The...Read more

Celebrating our 20th Year!
Things have certainly changed in Canada in the past 20 years, so we took a look back to 1999 to share 20 memorable events in honour of this very special occasion.Read more

Working woman with an elderly parent?
Imagine your elderly, ailing parent is living independently and coping, just. You drop by as often as you can (assuming you live in the same city) and wish you could do more, but work and daily commitments are pressing. Read the full article on The Globe and Mail.Read more

Workplace Bullying Can Happen Anywhere
Don't think it won't happen to your employees! Workplace bullying can happen to anyone. What are your responsibilities and duties by law?Read more

The ABCs of Process Improvement
“Why are you doing that?” “Because we’ve always done it that way.” If that is the answer you're getting, it might be time to look at process improvement.Read more

Work-Sharing with Employment Insurance
Is there a temporary downturn in business? Want to avoid layoffs? Learn about Work-Sharing, an adjustment program designed to help employers and employees while the business recovers.Read more

How To Motivate and Re-Engage Employees
Employees not motivated? Conducting an employee survey may help. Here are some targeted ways you can re-engage employees.Read more

360° Feedback Assessments: The Right Way
A 360° assessment measures performance and provides specific feedback to the individual being assessed from multiple levels, including their manager, co-workers and subordinates. Our certified 360° Coaches provide feedback and assist in a development plan to improve an employees performance.Read more

Pay Equity: Still Here…and Here to Stay
Pay Equity is a requirement on Ontario employers to ensure that male and female workers are paid equally for work of equal value. Is your Pay Equity Plan maintained and up-to-date?Read more
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